Come for the words. Stay for the feelings.

“Today I will peacefully witness my unanswered questions. Today I will have patience with everything that remains unsolved in my heart. Today I will love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Today I will not look for the answers because, even if they were given to me, I would not know their meaning. Today, I will realize that I need to experience everything. That at present, I need to live the question. I will be aware of the question and very gradually, without even noticing it, I will find myself experiencing the answer. Maybe not today. Maybe when I really need the answer.”

-Deepak Chopra The Soul of Healing Affirmations

The what?

For your reading pleasure


Happy Sunday morning to all of my readers on PST, and happy day or night to the rest of you beautiful people. How is everyone doing? This is not rhetorical. I really want to know. Drop something in the comments. Text me. DM me. Email me. Send me a postcard by messenger pigeon. Connect with…

DAY 3 & DAY 4

I’m writing this in the last hour of our 6.5 hour flight home. The flight is usually around 5 hours, but some inclement weather in the Midwest meant we had to take a detour. I’m tired. I’m hungry. And I’m ready to sleep in my own bed, honey. Okay, so day 3 was supposed to…


I don’t have an Apple Watch or fitness tracker, but I’d bet we got some serious mileage in on day two. By midday, my dogs were barrrrrkin. We’ll get to that in a minute. While planning this trip a while back, Ralph casually mentioned wanting to do a helicopter ride, and I pretended not to…

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